International Conference on Learning, Teaching, and Student Success | November 3 - 5, 2016
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Interactive Workshop Presentation Submission
Thank you for your interest in leading an Interactive Workshop at ICLTSS'16 at Montana State University. In the online submission form below you will be asked for the following information:
Workshop Title: Your Title Should Be No Longer Than Twelve Words in Capital Case Abstract: Your abstract should be between 150 - 250 words and clearly articulate workshop outcomes that are directly related to focus area and attainable given the workshop format and time allotted. Special attention should be given to describing how facilitator(s) intend to engage workshop participants. Summary: Your summary should be between 25 - 50 words and be written in a way to entice participants to attend your workshop. Before Proceeding: If you are not prepared to complete your submission at this time, please revisit this page when you are ready to make a complete submission. We review submissions on a rolling basis and you will receive a decision from our Conference Committee within two weeks after making your submission. If you have any questions prior to making your submission, please contact us at: . SUBMISSION DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 Workshop Evaluation Rubric
Workshop Submission Form