Journal of 21st Century Education - Vol. 1, No. 1 (January 2016)
We are pleased to publish the January 2016 issue of the Journal of 21st Century Education featuring the papers listed below. We thank our editorial team for all the hard work that went into publishing these excellent papers.
The California Reading and Literature Project: Helping Teachers Raise the Academic Language and Literacy Levels of California’s K-5 Student Population
Benita R. Brooks, Nancy Myers and Aimee Stoll
Twitter as a Professional Learning Tool: Implications for Practice and Further Research
Carol Skyring
Public Opinion on Health Care Policies in the 21st Century
Jeehee Han
Audience is Everything: Rewriting Composition Classrooms to Incite Democratic Participation, Social Activism, and Public Discourse
Megan Lockard
Ontario (Canada) Education Provincial Policy: Aboriginal Student Learning
Lorenzo Cherubini
Teaching Wireless Communication Basics: Inductive Methods with Their Assessment and Evaluation
Atef Abdrabou and Hosam Hittini
The Role of a Gender-Based History-Writing of Education in the Preparation for Social and Civic Competence
Orsolya Kereszty
Introducing Creative Dramatics in Tertiary ESL Education
John Maloney
Geography Education in the Google Age: A Case Study Concerning the Nsukka Local Government in Nigeria
Sandra Ajaps
After Communicative Language Teaching: Adaptive Approaches in ELT in the Arabian Gulf and Beyond
Richard Peel
Click on the image of the journal cover below to download the January 2016 issue of J21CE.