International Conference on Learning, Teaching, and Student Success | November 3 - 5, 2016
ICLTSS'16 Home Conference Proceedings Upload Form Conference Program Call for Proposals Important Dates Organizing Committee Keynote Speakers Oral / Poster / Absentee Presentation Submission Workshop Submission Non-Presenter (Listener) Submission US Visa Information Conference Fee Payment MSU-MT Community Registration (fee payment) Visa Letter of Invitation Request Form Schedule at a Glance Official Conference Airlines SKYTEAM Alliance Hotel Information Conference Center (SUB) Information Bozeman Information Oral Presentation Guide Poster Presentation Guide |
Call for Proposals
The ICLTSS'16 Program Committee is responsible for coordinating the complete conference schedule of presentations and workshops. The committee will review all proposals and make its decisions based on experience of the presenter(s), timeliness and relevance of the topic, general quality of the proposal, usefulness of information, and potential to attract and engage conference attendees. In seeking to maintain an overall balance of topics, it is inevitable that the committee will be unable to accept, or may defer, some excellent proposals.
TYPES OF PRESENTATIONS Oral Presentation: An Oral Presentation is an opportunity to share research findings, theoretical or practical recommendations, lessons learned, and educational best practices. Presenters area allotted with a 15 minute presentation time, followed by a 5-minute question and answer time. Oral Presentations will be scheduled in thematic clusters. Poster Presentation: A poster session is a visually explanatory exhibit that allows for short, informal discussions between the presenter(s) and attendees, as attendees circulate around the various posters. Interactive Workshop: An Interactive Workshop session is oriented toward teaching practice or hands-on learning with less focus on lecturing. Only select the workshop format if half or more of the time will be spent on experiential learning and active audience participation focused on the development of new skills, techniques, or proficiencies. Include in your abstract the learning outcomes, an explanation of the interactive components, and a brief overview of how the time will be used. Absentee Presenter: For those unable to join us in person, we offer the opportunity to participate as an Absentee Presenter. Absentee Presenters can: (1) upload a narrated presentation to our website and social media sites; (2) publish his/her abstract in the Conference Program Book, and (3) publish his/her paper in the Conference Proceedings. Student Voices for Student Success: For students who are currently in an undergraduate or graduate program in education or a related field. These sessions will be open to all conference attendees but will feature our current students’ relevant and important voices. These presentations may be focused on any of the presentation topic tracks. PRESENTATION TOPIC TRACKS Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: Advising and Counseling for Student Success
MAKING A SUBMISSION We ask you to submit your abstract proposals through our Online Submission System until the final deadline of September 30, 2016. We strongly encourage early submissions as we have a limited number of presentation slots available. The ICLTSS'16 Program Committee reviews abstract proposals on a rolling basis and authors will typically receive a decision within two weeks of his/her submission.
Click on the appropriate image below to submit a proposal.